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AWG Linear Tubing in PTFE

AWG Linear Tubing in PTFE are part of our range of products that can be used in low pressure applications.

PFA Linear Tubing

PFA Linear Tubing are part of our range of products that can be used in low pressure applications.

FEP Linear Tubing

FEP Linear Tubing are part of our range of products that can be used in low pressure applications.

PTFE Linear Tubing

PTFE Linear Tubing are part of our range of products that can be used in low pressure applications.

PTFE Convoluted Tubing

PTFE Convoluted Tubing are part of our range of products that can be used in low pressure applications.

VHP GAS PTFE Flexible Hoses

VHP GAS PTFE Flexible Hoses are part of our range of products that can be used in critical high pressures applications due to their high-performance’s constructions.

VHP PTFE Flexible Hoses for very high pressures

VHP PTFE Flexible Hoses for very high pressures are part of our range of products that can be used in critical high pressures applications due to their high-performance’s constructions.

Tape Wrapped Convoluted PTFE Flexible Hoses

Tape Wrapped Convoluted PTFE Flexible Hoses are part of our range of products that can be used in critical high pressures applications due to their high-performance’s constructions.

UFSC PTFE Flexible Hoses

UFSC PTFE Flexible Hoses for very high pressures are part of our range of products that can be used in critical high pressures applications due to their high-performance’s constructions.

Convoluted PTFE Flexible Hoses with single wires braid

Convoluted PTFE Flexible Hoses with single wires braid are part of our range of products that can be used in critical high pressures applications due to their high-performance’s constructions.

PTFE Flexible Hoses with double wires braid

PTFE Flexible Hoses with double wires braid are part of our range of products that can be used in critical high pressures applications due to their high-performance’s constructions.

PTFE Flexible Hoses with single wires braid

PTFE Flexible Hoses with single wires braid are part of our range of products that can be used in critical high pressures applications due to their high-performance’s constructions.

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Aliquam erat volutpat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer sit amet lacinia turpis. Nunc euismod lacus sit amet purus euismod placerat? Integer gravida imperdiet tincidunt. Vivamus convallis dolor ultricies tellus consequat, in tempor tortor facilisis! Etiam et enim magna.